
Node Management Index

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Node Management Index

The purpose of this page is to provide an index of content made available to you on this wiki.

This content is either not indexed elsewhere, or does not exist outside of this wiki.


Environment Variable Details

When you deploy a Chainlink Node, you need to create a .env file to include in your container's instantiation.

The purpose of this file is to override the default configuration your Chainlink node would set without it.

Miscellaneous Trouble Shooting


External Initiators


Job Management

Chainlink Nodes require jobs in order for them to know what is expected of them.

Example JobSpecs

Below you will find example jobspecs for each job type that the Chainlink Node Supports

Direct Request Example

Please click above to navigate to Direct Request (DR) / RunLog (RL) example spec

FluxMonitor Example

Please click above to navigate to FluxMonitor (FM) example spec

Off Chain Reporting Example

Please click above to navigate to Off Chain Reporting (OCR) example spec


Bridge Management

Chainlink Nodes use bridges to enable a key:value association local to the Chainlink Node.

This enables the node operator to modify where a bridge points to without having to redeploy every job that references that data source

Adding / Replacing / Removing Bridges

This page will provide directions on managing your bridges and all potential "gotchas" that you may run into


Key Managmeent

Chainlink Node Account Private Keys

The Chainlink Node manages its own wallet's private keys keys for each network type it supports. At the time of this writing, that includes Layer One and Layer Two EVM chains, Solana, and Terra.

These wallets are responsible for paying the transaction fees associated with writing data on-chain for each network.

CSA Keys

The purpose of the CSA keys is for an unreleased feature. No more details can be provided at this time.

OCR Keys

The purpose of your OCR keys is to enable OCR communication between the nodes.

Each Chainlink node has their own OCR keys. Modifying these keys in any manner is not suggested.

P2P Keys

Similar to the OCR keys, the P2P keys enable peer to peer communication among the Chainlink Nodes

VRF Keys

The VRF Keys are specifically for the VRF functionality. No more details are available at this time.