
EACAggregatorProxy Writes

From Chainlink Community Wiki


LINK / USD EAC AggregatorProxy contract address: 0x2c1d072e956affc0d435cb7ac38ef18d24d9127c

The Access Controlled Aggregator Proxy is a proxy contract that enables the owner to point it to other contracts as needed/desired.

This prevents the users from having to update anything if they wanted to move to a new contract version/release

Write Calls

This page contains all of the write calls you can make to the EACAggregatorProxy contracts.

If you'd like to check out the read calls, please check the EACAggregatorProxy_Reads page.

Due to key handling practices, these docs will not include examples on how to write to the contract via bash and curl


The acceptOwnership call is dependent upon the transferOwnership call. In order to prevent accidentally transferring the contract to an address that cannot manage it, the ownership will only transfer once the acceptOwnership call has been made from the same address that the transferOwnership call had previously been made to


The confirmAggregator call is going to complete the process of pointing the EACAggregatorProxy to a different AccessControlledAggregator contract. In order for it to process completely, the specified Aggregator must first be proposed via the proposeAggregator call


The proposeAggregator call is intended to propose a new aggregator contract address as the proxy's source of information. If for some reason you need to redeploy an aggregator contract, you can use both proposeAggregator and then confirmAggregator calls to change which contract the proxy points to.


The transferOwnership call is used to transfer the ownership of the contract. In order to complete the transfer, the desired owner must acceptOwnership of the contract once the transferOwnership call has been confirmed.