
Huobi ECO

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Revision as of 15:32, 4 April 2022 by Devtrace (talk | contribs)

Huobi ECO & Chainlink


Quick take: Huobi ECO

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled.

Supported Chainlink services on Huobi ECO

Chainlink feeds.png
Chainlink ccip unsupported.png

In depth


  • 03 Jul 20. Huobi becomes first major exchange to run a Chainlink node. Read the announcement HERE.

Huobi ECO Resources

Effective resource lists encourage wider reading and provide a more in-depth understanding of a topic.

Our goal with the Wiki resource lists is to create authoritative archives for readings and other resources pertaining to specific topics.
As such, the Wiki aims to keep all resource lists current, consistent, accurate and clear.

However, if users feel there are omissions, please contact the site admin with details of resources they feel should be added, making sure to include links, a brief description, and the importance of said resource.


Date Media Author Title
09 Mar 21 Article Huobi ECO Chainlink Price Feeds Now Live on HECO Chain Mainnet
30 Jul 20 Article Cointelegraph Huobi Becomes First Major Exchange to Run a Chainlink Node

Bridging LINK Tokens to Ethereum Mainnet

You must first swap your ERC677 LINK tokens for Huobi Bridged LINK tokens -- Chainlink Token Swap

Send your Hubi LINK tokens to their exhcange to bridge on Ethereum Mainnet.


Date Media Author Title
N/A Official Docs Chainlink HECO Chain Data Feeds